The 2000 FJK Go Championship

The FJK2000 Computer Go Tournament was held in Japan June 1-2, 2000.

Eight teams took part. The tournament was an all-play-all.

HARUKA won without a single defeat.

1.HARUKA 11111117   
2.Aya0 1111015   
3.KCC Igo00 11011410  
4.GORO000 111148  
5.Image0000 1113   
6.Martha00100 10260+
7.Katsunari010000 1260-
8.Explorer0000010 1   

1.HARUKARyuichi KawaJapanAMD 400MHz
2.AyaHiroshi YamashitaJapanCeleron 374MHz
3.KCC IgoJong Song HwaNorth KoreaCASSIOPEIA E-503
4.GOROYasuo OishiJapan 
5.ImageYukio TamuraJapanPentiumII 333MHz
6.MarthaIchirou UjieJapan 
7.KatsunariShinichi SeiJapanPentiumII 300MHz
8.ExplorerMartin MuellerAustriaMac.

All SGF files were at but the link no longer works.

You could once look some pictures taken by KCC team at but the link no longer works.

Tournament web page (Japanese) was at but the link no longer works.

The information on this page was provided by Hiroshi Yamashita

Other computer Go Tournament results